Monday, February 24, 2014

Embers that Sparkle

A fight to the finish
Struggles only known to you alone
Tribulations that rock the boat
A storm that seems to rage
Lightning bolt striking 
When least expected

These are the days
When you feel the need
During spurts of defeat
A friend forsakes you
Without a warning

You wonder if you'd been
Wrong in choosing
That shoulder to lean on
Thinking you were on the same page
Traveling the seas together
A kindred strain
That turned out a joke
Which was on you

But the must clears
Sooner that you think
Another lifeline is thrown
A connection renewed
Fresh beginning
Once you cast
The shroud of self doubt
You realize 
The beauty of the world out there
Where hope is everlasting
And not all are the ugly you've just witnessed

So you click those heels
Whisper in your heart
Words that had never left
Aspire once again
To be who you truly are
Take flight
Like a Phoenix rising
From ash still with embers burning
Peel away those old layers
Break away from the mold

And find another kindred
With whom you expect less
Hope for the best
And let time take it's course
For only some find those with whom
They can be true
To that voice inside their hearts
Only some can hear that note
And feel the resonance
Understand without asking
What needs to be done

Once there you hold on to these spirits
With a light thread
No promises of fealty
For friends made on the  base of hope
Are the ones that persevere
And understand the need
For sincerity
And the aspirations of
A better to tomorrow.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Beneath the veneer

Time is of no consequence
When it comes to that imaginary age spot I see
Next to that wrinkle of a frown
On a forehead
Spending too much time in that perpectual freeze

I worry more about fitting into that size 4 jeans
Than to pick up that squeaky toy that's in the way of my new espadrilles 
I skip that meal 
Call myself a health nut
Just so I can stand next to the 20 something kid
And feel invincible

I can't find that happy place
That thought that gives me contentment

Because I need to know what everyone around me
In the world is doing
Just so I can claim to do the same
Keep up appearances
Put that lipstick on
And feel power for that moment

Friends come and go
I choose them as I would
A Chanel scarf
See the silky exterior
Put it against my skin so it complements
How I keep them close
Be the one to stoke their egos with flattery
While inside I'd rather be somewhere else.

I need to be
I have to be
The most prominent
Center of attention
If not the only voice in the room
Being followed and applauded

For if not the Belle of the Ball
My wrath will be invoked 
The green eyed cashmere serpent
Forking it's tongue
Spewing secret venom
On unsuspecting backs

I'll play the game
Of divide and conquer
To the best of my abilities 
For without that excitement
My life is dull 
Without spark

And even in the moments
Of truth
I shy away from being true
To myself
To the reality that looks back at me
From that gilded Mirror Mirror On the Wall
I have to be the fairest of them all
Or I strike , smite them down
Those who have it easy
The Witty, the Kind, the ones that effortlessly
Go through life
With no internal turmoil
Or the strife that brings me to my knees

But I stand tall
Keep that manicured hand in order
Smile my best
Find my way in the social sea
Just so no one can see
That Fatal Flaw
In me....

Out of the box

Years go by
Watching them fly with tail light beacons 
Flashing their sparkles
Blinding my eyes

Moments fleeting by
In the blink of an eye
As I try to gather up my wits
Just to get through a day
Without a fuss

I get stuck in a rut
A broken record
Begging for release
From the ancient phonograph
That holds it down

What's to be done
That hasn't been done before
By ones before me
Or the ones before them

A voice calls from within
An echo long forgotten
In the rubble that I have created
A life less than ordinary

Shakes me from that reverie
The trance that has had a hold
A hold over my existence

A leap of faith
A purge of the negative
A few kind words
And a glimpse into the world outside
The real one I chose not to see

And there it is
My Yellow Brick Road
In guise of the Ruby Red slippers
I'd slipped into all those years ago

So off I go finding my Dolce Vita
Following that echo
As it leads me to a Seuss-ical Box

Once opened I don't unleash The Mother of all messes 
But a thingamajig to clean up the mess
I called my life